Water treatments in skin
The fact that our skin to seventy percent water, we heard more than once. Nevertheless, many women still neglect moisturizing treatments. Well, at a young age such levity can go unnoticed – but, alas, only in a certain season. In the summer we all – and very young girls and women between the ages – are obliged to secure additional water treatment.
How often we are struck almost instantaneous transformation, which occurs after an active skin moisturizing! Just a few minutes of our epidermis becomes thicker and smoother literally engorged and healthier. But nothing to be surprised: for the retention of moisture in the skin meets all known hyaluronic acid, which accumulates water molecules, turning them into a kind of gel. If acid molecules are busy, they are increasing in volume and provide “irrigation” is not so much the external layer of the skin (epidermis), as the middle layer, the dermis. This system is called osmotic, or internal. To ensure its smooth operation, not only use the appropriate make-up – it is important to consume those most cherished two liters of water. Another point – the use of modern means of cosmetology. This is the so-called “injections of beauty”, which in a timely and reasonable application can really maintain the internal humidification system. Stimulation own hyaluronic acid, hyaluronic as “supplements” in the form biorevitalisation, bioreparatsii and mesotherapy really help. Those who are not ready for active intervention, are often advised to contrast baths, special mask and massage – all these manipulations increase blood flow, which the dermis gets precious moisture.
If the internal moisture is more important than external, why bother to worry about the impact from the outside, choosing fluids and tonics, creams and lotions? Many conservative ladies adhere to this particular theory. They say that our mothers and grandmothers did not use anything, but drink plenty of water and washed from the spring – that’s the whole beauty-ritual, which they lacked. In part, these statements are true, but we should not forget that today women living in the metropolis is impeding the changed environment. The polluted air, aggressive sun, dry air-conditioned rooms and regular make-up effect on the lipid film covering our stratum corneum. That it protects the skin from moisture evaporation, mechanical and chemical damage. After thirty-five years, and as a result of external factors, it becomes thinner, slows its natural renewal. As a result, the girl, ignoring the diversity of cosmetic and prefer to care for themselves in the old, get a gray complexion, early wrinkles and heterogeneous relief. Remember: the damaged hydro lipid shell breaks, and therefore, you do not have enough internal moisture resources, while with the skin surface in unlimited quantities to evaporate the precious fluid.
However, not every cream or spray is equally useful. Very often in the summer the girls go to a more aggressive cosmetics, complaining about the active work of the sebaceous glands and unpleasant sheen. This can not be done in any case: tonics and lotions that contain alcohol, attenuate the delicate fatty film. The first time you really notice the “improvement” – the skin is matte, smooth, but then starts a backlash. To avoid drying out of the epidermis, only use soft means marked Alchohol Free, «does not contain alcohol,” and so on. D. Look at the composition of vitamins E and C (they stimulate the metabolic processes). Also, do not neglect the products with the most hyaluronic acid. Of course, its molecules are too large to penetrate into the dermis, but they work well and on the skin surface, filling the gaps in the lipid mantle. So it is running and glycerol. But the alkaline agent, and even all your favorite acidic foods on the solar season should be deleted.
With thermal water every sign. This is really a very useful and compact source of additional moisture for the skin in the hot season. But remember the important rules of application of this versatile tool. First of all, endlessly spraying over refreshing shower is certainly pleasant, but it is not a useful exercise. Excess moisture on the skin provokes dehydration and peeling. Besides constantly wet face can cause burns, as a drop – a microscopic lens, which increase the area of effect and exposure to UV rays. So, remember the basic rule: Spray from a distance of ten to fifteen centimeters, wait a few seconds and make sure are putting a face cloth. Wet thermal water is necessary before it begins to evaporate.
Body and hair
Moisturizing spray, Misty and haze – the ideal format for your summer body care for several reasons. Oils can provoke a burn creams and some consider too dense and “stuffy” for the hot days. The peculiarity of some summer sprays for the body – in the presence of these antiperspirants. So, in addition to refreshing the impact they inhibit perspiration where it is needed.
Leave nourishing and whitening products for autumn and winter season. Your selection – based tools ultrauvlazhnyayuschie Hydrolat (floral water). So, chamomile soothe inflamed and irritated, rose water will dry the skin and cornflower cope with edema.
Scented mist on a hot day is often replaced by heavy Loop spirits – they sit close to the skin, deodorize and keep it in a good tone. If possible, get a spray with SPF-factor (the same applies to products for the face): In addition to flavor and comfort this product will reliably protect body skin burns.
Do not forget that the barrier from the sun exposure is required not only to the body and face, but also the hair. For some reason, many people forget that locks securely to hide from the scorching rays do not only coasts. Slightly materiel: the hair on the body consists of two-thirds of keratin, which contains zinc, copper, manganese, sulfur, vitamin B, A, C, pigment and water. All this wealth is destroyed as a direct result of UV radiation. And then, the strands lose in volume, elasticity and flexibility burn. Of course, many people love the sun-kissed locks, but better go for a similar result to the hairdresser. The specialist will be able to control the process of staining and prevent irreversible changes in the body of the hair, in contrast to the action of the sun. Therefore, all your lotions and sprays for styling just have to keep a protective factor.